This is the website of Michael Wagner, an independent researcher and writer with a PhD in political science from the University of Alberta. He and his wife live in Edmonton, Alberta where they have been home educating their eleven children.
The purpose of the website is to make some of his research and writing available to the general public. Articles are available for free, and offsite links are provided to sites where his books can be ordered.
Available Now as a Kindle Download
Albertans know that their province is mistreated within Canada. They want this to change.
Indeed, many have worked hard for decades to solve this problem through political changes that would benefit their province. For example, considerable effort was expended to achieve a Triple-E Senate. Despite all this work, however, none of these changes were accomplished due to Canada’s existing political system. Central Canada does not want to lose its dominating control.
Therefore, the lesson of the last fifty years is that Canada cannot be reformed to benefit Alberta. The only viable option left is independence.

See Doug Wilson’s review of Michael’s “The Anglosphere’s Broken Covenant”