NO OTHER OPTION: Self-Determination for Alberta

Alberta is at a crossroads. On the one hand, it can remain within Canada and have major decisions about its economic future and well-being decided by politicians elected somewhere else - in Central Canada. Or, it can choose a path of self-determination whereby all decisions about its future are made by Albertans themselves. As history clearly demonstrates, the first option comes with negative economic consequences from policies designed to cater to voters in places like Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. Only the second option - the one recommended in this book - offers Albertans an opportunity to choose what's best for Alberta.

TRUE RIGHT: Genuine Conservative Leaders of Western Canada

Canadian conservatives need to know about the past heroes of their movement. They also need to know about the thought leaders who inspired many to understand and act upon the truths that conservatism represents. Out west, at least, many Canadians have favoured limited government, free enterprise and traditional morality going back many decades. This is the perspective of genuine conservatism. And it is a heritage that needs to be understood and embraced as the ideological foundation of true Canadian conservatism for current and future generations. A central purpose of this book is to highlight Western Canadian conservative leaders, their perspectives and accomplishments, as a basis for encouraging and inspiring Canadians to embrace this legacy of genuine conservatism. As well, a basic outline of “Byfield conservatism” is sketched, followed by a more detailed consideration of the political thought of Link and Ted Byfield. Byfield conservatism is a true and indigenous Canadian conservatism. It is this form of conservatism that will need to thrive if Canada is to be rescued from its current destructive course.

LEAVING GOD BEHIND: The Charter of Rights and Canada’s Official Rejection of Christianity

The purpose of Leaving God Behind is two-fold. First, to demonstrate using old laws and public policies that Canada was for most of its history a Christian country. And second, to show why it is no longer Christian in any political sense. It once had explicitly Christian federal laws and provincial government policies. These laws and policies have been progressively eliminated since the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was adopted in 1982. The Charter incorporated a non-Christian worldview into the foundation of Canadian society and thereby undermined Canada’s original Christian basis.

NO OTHER OPTION: Self-Determination for Alberta

Alberta separatism has been out of the news for many years but that may soon change. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was the father of Alberta separatism because he provoked an angry response with his National Energy Program and other socialistic policies. His son Justin has now become the new Liberal prime minister. It may be just a matter of time before Alberta is once again at odds with the federal government. If so, there will be conflict--and Alberta separatism will see a revival. This book--the only one of its kind--describes the background and history of Alberta separatism. Most Albertans are patriotic Canadians, but they won't be pushed around by the federal government, especially when the federal government threatens their livelihoods through attacks on the oil industry. Read how Albertans have fought back in the past, and expect the same if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau comes knocking.

TRUE RIGHT: Genuine Conservative Leaders of Western Canada

The Christian Citizenship Guide is intended to help us better understand Canadian political life and the valuable role that we each can have in applying our faith to politics. The easy-to-read ideas and discussion questions make it a very suitable resource for young and old alike, regardless of one’s political interest or experience.

Topics tackled include the Christian contribution to Canada’s history, understanding our Parliament, courts, and Charter of Rights and Freedoms and measuring up the modern understanding of human rights to our faith. This is all capped off with a look at what we can do to make a positive impact in the communities and country where God has put us.

LEAVING GOD BEHIND: The Charter of Rights and Canada’s Official Rejection of Christianity

Standing on Guard for Thee: The Past, Present and Future of Canada's Christian Right is Dr. Michael Wagner's ground breaking history on Canadian Christians' influence over the political landscape of Canada. Many Canadians, including some Canadian Christians have the impression that the "Christian Right" in Canada is an American import. Dr. Wagner's excellent book, reveals that such a conclusion is separated from the facts. Christian influence is foundational to the creation of Canada as a nation and has continued to the present. Wagner's book was first published in 2005 but has since been updated. A wonderful and insightful history of Canadian Christian activism and Canadian heritage.

"Michael Wagner's valuable, original account of the Christian Right in Canada . . ." Michael Valpy, Literary Review of Canada (September 2008).

Michael is "Right": A Christian Responds to Canada's Liberal-Left

A collection of articles defending the conservative Christian position on many social and political issues in contemporary society.

THE ANGLOSPHERE'S BROKEN COVENANT: Rediscovering the Validity and Importance of the Solemn League and Covenant.

In times of revival in the Old Testament, God's people would often covenant together to follow Him with all of their hearts. These covenant renewals were frequently led by Israel's political leader of the time, namely, the king. An example of this would be King Josiah in 2 Chronicles 34. During the Reformation, many Protestants believed their nations should follow the pattern established by Israel and make covenants with the Lord. In 1643 England, Scotland and Ireland covenanted together to follow the Lord in the Solemn League and Covenant. Unfortunately, within a few years, King Charles II officially declared that the Solemn League and Covenant was void and that those who upheld it would be punished. Because many conscientious Christians refused to obey the king's dictate to abandon their covenant with God, thousands of them were exterminated during the 1660s through to the 1680s. These people were called "Covenanters."